Saturday, August 24, 2019

English as a Second Language for Adult Immigrants (The Domain is Adult Term Paper

English as a Second Language for Adult Immigrants (The Domain is Adult Education) - Term Paper Example With the increasing number of adult immigrants in the USA and Canada, English language becomes a significant issue for people. Immigrants need to adjust with the foreign cultural environment and with the common language i.e. English. The major dispute concerning the English language within immigrants is that it creates verbal obstructions as well as misinterpretations, and can harm the effective communication within organizations (Charlotte Mecklenburg, 2002). Literature Review According to Burt (2004), knowledge and fluency in English is explicitly connected with financial self-sufficiency. Immigrants who are literate in languages except English are more probable to have temporary work and get less income as compared to those who are well-educated in English and have English as first language. Several surveys on the immigrants’ income in the USA depict that there is positive relations between English learning capabilities and salaries of immigrants. This is one of the major reasons that immigrants want expertise in English language both in speaking as well as in writing. Providing â€Å"English as Second Language (ESL)† lessons to immigrants is a useful method to resolve the English communication problem in the workplace. However, it can be observed that companies are reluctant about providing ESL lessons due to problems with regard to planning, expense, and a sense that providing ESL lessons are not their duty (Burt, 2004). ... ing citizenship, the demand of â€Å"English for Speakers of Other Language† (ESOL) in Canada and the USA is increasing constantly, and it is considered as one of the fastest growing constituents for adult education. The admission for English education is also inclined by the way of â€Å"Immigration Reform and Control Act† (IRCA) in the year 1986. Presently, the population assisted by English learning programs has changed significantly. The immigrant populations of the USA and Canada in present days are much different than past days with respect to size, origin and financial status. According to a Census survey in the year 2000, the number of Hispanic population was more than 58% compared to 1990. In order to fulfill the emerging requirements of English education for the immigrant population, huge numbers of qualified teachers are required. ESOL classes are often organized to accommodate for initial, transitional, and advanced level of expertise. On the basis of resour ces of organizations and requirements of students, different approaches, practices and technologies are used in ESL training. The major objective of ESL programs is to assist adult immigrants in accomplishing competency in English language. Majority of classes are developed on the basis of students’ needs and benefits, for instance, the ESOL classes can be aimed towards adult learners who have arrived in Canada or in the USA, and therefore include survival as well as life skills training in their programs. Other classes may incorporate ESOL guidelines with professional education and family knowledge, as well as citizenship and academic training. The governments always help immigrant learners to obtain necessary skills and knowledge so that they can become active performers in workplace and in society

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